Wednesday 12 February, 2025
ISDE Bangladesh has a 07 members Executive Body comprising Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary General, Treasurer and 03 others members. The Executive Board (EB) sits on a quarterly basis to formulate ISDE’s programme and management guidelines. The General Council (GC) is the highest policy making body which was formed with the NGOs and development scholars & civil society members in Chittagong regions. A 21- members GC has been formed with the representative from local development activist, philanthropist, human rights activist and civil society members. The GC provides overall guidance and directions, approves plan, policies, rules and regulations and budget. It also provides check and balance on behalf of ISDE stakeholders (beneficiaries, development partners, staff, local government and civil society people) while ISDE executives operate in their best interests of the organization. GC work as safeguard of ISDE for long term interest by critically considering the risks to which the organization is exposed and approving plans prepared by the management to address these risks. It supervises the selection, evaluation and remuneration packages of the senior management team, including the series plan for the position of Executive Director (ED) of the organization.
The Executive Office is responsible for coordinating the daily activities and provides necessary technical & financial support to partners and thematic partners’ organizations to run the activities smoothly.
The Executive Director who is also the General Secretary of the Executive Board supervises the organizational activities and programs. The Executive Director is assisted by program and professional staff, all having vast experience in the field of rural development and poverty alleviation. The Executive Board governs the policy matters and overall management issues of the organization, while the General Body is the supreme authority who formulate and approves rules, regulations, annual activities plan and budget of the organization.
Monthly program meeting is held with the representative from all sections and units of the organization. The Management peoples also sits monthly to discuss about the management issues and problems and makes recommendation to EB for solution. The section wise staff meeting sits monthly to review progress, problems and targets schedules, if necessary. Section Managers sits weekly to review the progress of activities, makes future plans and targets.
The Unit Managers supervise the all round activities at the unit level under supervision of the Central Project Manager and Program Coordinators. ISDE-BD maintains gender balance in the organization and most of the field staff members are female fulfilling a significant role in the activities.
ISDE Bangladesh has a well-structured management system with a good information flow within the layers. All the Program/Project materialized by a modest staff headed by the Executive Director, Govt. Agencies and Donor for program implementation, Administration, Finance and Reporting. All the program/Activities management comprises senior management team under the direct supervision of its Executive Director. ISDE has a strong management, competent and skilled staff with good academic and professional background, good financial management and control also has an efficient supervision and monitoring system to keep control over the all program/ Activities. Program/Project management supported by competent professionals and supporting staff. The project management is monitored through MIS. ISDE BD undertakes internal audit to ensure the sound operation and management the project. Final accounts are audited by an independent external auditor.
ISDE Bangladesh has developed adequate manuals/ formats and procedures for proper financial management. Its adopted a fair sufficient Accounts Management System consulting with donors, NGO Affair Bureau, Social Welfare Department and others related agencies and GOB rules & regulation. ISDE Bangladesh follows accounts management system. It has formulated its own account management manual approved by EC and GC. The Organizational bank account is operated jointly. The Chief Accountant of ISDE BD maintains the whole account of organization with assistance of others Accountants. All accountants are qualified and well trained from training institute. Each project is audited after completion of project through NGO Bureau enlisted firms. Program Annual Reports are also prepared annually. These reports are submitted to different government departments and donor as required.
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